About Cigre
Established in 1921 in France, the International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE) is one of the leading worldwide organizations on electric power systems, covering their technical, economic, environmental, organizational, and regulatory aspects. CIGRE is underpinned by a global network of 60 CIGRE organizations referred to as the National Committees or NCs. These on the ground organizations have in-depth understanding of the local conditions in over 90 countries. The 16 study committees and more than 250 working groups are the main players of CIGRE activities
Their main purpose is to foster engagement and knowledge sharing among power system professionals globally to enable sustainable provision of electricity for all.
Moreover, CIGRE aims to be universally recognized as the leading global community for expertise in all aspects of electric power systems.
More information about CIGRE and its activities can be found at CIGRE’s main website. Click here to reach their website.
Click here to see the 4th SEERC conference hosted by and under the presidency of CIGRE Turkey, where we have been a member of the committee since its establishment.
Electromechanical Industrial Association, shortly EMSAD was established in 1992 by companies operating in the electromechanical sector in Türkiye. It is a professional non-govermental organization and carries out activites in accordance with the law of associations
EMSAD’s members are involved with:
- Design & Engineering services,
- Electromechanical equipment production,
- Contracting (EPC) of electrical transmission and distribution
network at all voltage level, - To contribute the country’s eco-friendly and sustainable policies.
Click here to reach their website
Click here to reach our membership page with EMSAD